Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Welcome to Upward Bound @ Marist College --- Here is the Learning Theories Syllabus : )

Learning Theories Upward Bound Summer 2011
Ms. Bonesteel
How to reach me:
Email @ MsBonesteel@aol.com
FB @ MsBonesteelsClassroom

Keys to succeeding in our class:
The Golden Rule
Fair does not mean Equal

Course Description:
• Preparing for a successful college experience
• Information regarding how to enhance one’s student career & fine-tune academic skills
• Information pertaining to how one’s thoughts, feelings, actions & their effect academic performance & learning
• The ability to critically think, formulate opinions based on fact & actively participate in discussion & debate as a civically responsible community member
Course Goals:
• To possess an understanding of how cognitive, emotional, social & behavioral factors can effect one’s ability to learn.
• To possess an understanding of how to build upon & enhance one’s academic skills.
• To possess basic understanding of how to successfully prepare for college & how to successfully utilize college resources.

• 40% In class participation
• 20% Individual & group assignments
• 10% Homework
• 15% Midterm Exam
• 15% Final Exam
*Attendance & participation are weighted most heavily; active participation & A effort are expected at all times. Points will be deducted for lateness, lack of preparedness, misbehaviors or other disruptions to the learning process.

• O’Keefe, Edward J. & Berger, Donna S. Self Management for College Students: The ABC Approach. Partridge Hill Publishing. Hyde Park, NY (1999)
• Ricchini, John & Arndt, Terry. Voyage to Success: Your College Adventure Guide. 1st Ed. Life After Graduation, LLC Publishing. Alexandria, VA (2004)

• Students are expected to ALWAYS be prepared & ready to learn
• Students will be able to keep textbooks at home *unless specified by the teacher, announced in advance
• Students are expected to have notebooks/binders for note taking daily & any worksheets that have been handed out
• Homework assignments that are collected, graded & returned should be kept for review purposes
• Students should use a planner or assignment pad to keep track of due dates etc…

Assignments (may include but are not limited to):
• Daily “Do Now’s” and/or “Exit Slips”
• In-class activities, individual & group
• Nightly homework assignments
• Quizzes/Tests (announced & given mid-week)
• Projects
• Extra credit opportunities
• Midterm/Final exam

Tentative Calendar:
Week 1
• Introduction, books, 5 year plan writing assessment…
• O’Keefe ABC’s & self-management
• College applications & essay writing
For weeks 2-5 assignments will be listed on the board or distributed so the students know what will be covered. Students will also be able to access any work they have missed on the blogspot page, assignments will be available to print out or copy down.

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